The choice between private participation in infrastructure or public works is a DNP decision.
La sanción de la Ley 1508 de 2012, por la cual se estableció el régimen jurídico de las Asociaciones Público Privadas (APP), generó un esquema que requiere comprobar que su uso es el más expedito para desarrollar un proyecto de infraestructura, por tal motivo y en concordancia con el artículo 11 de la citada Ley, el Departamento Nacional de Planeación emitió la Resolución 3656 de 2012, por medio de la cual se estableció el Comparador Público Privado (CPP), como el parámetro para justificar la utilización del mecanismo de APP – Alianza Publico Privada.
El CCP busca determinar cuantitativamente si un proyecto de infraestructura desarrollado bajo el mecanismo de APP es más eficiente que si el mismo se implementara a través de obra pública. Debe considerarse que el CPP mide la generación de Valor por Dinero, que en términos prácticos, se define como el nivel de ahorro que obtiene el sector público por desarrollar un proyecto a través del mecanismo de APP. Debe señalarse que este ahorro suele ser de carácter intangible y se mide a través de la transferencia de riesgos del sector público al privado, es por ello que para la estimación del CPP sea tan importante la estructura de riesgos del proyecto.
3 criterios para definir si debe ser obra publica o una participación privada en infraestructura.
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the concept of Value for Money should develop three (3) objectives: economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The PPP meets the requirements established above, given that the appropriate classification and allocation of risks allows, first, the public partner to reduce its contributions in the event of any materialization of project risks; second, the private partner is able to better mitigate the project’s supervening events due to its technical, operational and financial knowledge; and, third, the private partner is able to more quickly resolve any problems that may arise.
contingencies that recurrently occur in infrastructure projects .
After 8 years of using the PPP in mainly transportation infrastructure projects, it is necessary to review whether the methodology implemented, as a measure of Value for Money generation, is currently the most efficient to determine the contractual mechanism to develop infrastructure projects with private investment.
In accordance with the above, the National Planning Department’s (DNP) Program to Support Private Participation in Infrastructure (PAPP) identified the need to carry out a consultancy to analyze and adjust the current scheme for calculating the generation of value for money in public infrastructure projects with private investment.
It should be noted that this consultancy is included in the PAPP Program Procurement Plan under Subcomponent 1.1.Technical Studies”, in Component 1, “Promotion of Private Participation”, since it is part of the preparation of studies related to private sector involvement projects; support in activities to strengthen the technical capacities of the entities responsible for the development and implementation of these projects; and in the activities of promotion, follow-up, socialization, communication and dissemination of private participation schemes of Loan Contract 3090/OC-CO.