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We help protect and recover the most valuable resource, “water”!

A wastewater treatment plant – PTAR is one that thanks to different physical, chemical and biological processes eliminates contaminants present in water after human use.

Speaking of sustainability issues, human activity affects the environment by polluting air and water. Air with the emission of contentin particles, including C02 and greenhouse gases. Human activity contaminates water with water sheds. Which are of 2 types: residential or biological of human beings and industrial. A wastewater treatment plant – PTAR is the most suitable solution to treat these 2 types of wastewater.


This is where the issues of water treatment at the industrial and urban level are taken into relevance.


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A Wastewater Treatment Plant or PTAR is a sewage treatment system, whose origin comes from the septic well where by decanting solids are separated and liquids irrigated by dispersion in a deep well or in an area with vegetation that takes advantage of it. A later version separates the process into two phases: sedimentation and digestion. However, the breakthrough was the sludge mineralization process during long retention periods. This makes their disposition safer and more harmless.


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Types of processes/treatments

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Primary or physical treatment

The three main elements are separated: sludge, liquids and fats.

This treatment is to mainly reduce sedimentable solids. Sands, stones or large solid materials are previously extracted. It is this process, it seeks to reduce the speed of circulation and allow by gravity to accumulate the organic elements of higher density in tanks. These tanks are commonly called primary clarifiers or primary sedimentation tanks. Floating fats are also obtained as a result of stability.

2 products are produced: a homogeneous liquid and sludge or sludge that can be treated separately.

These tanks are designed to reduce peak flow, temperature, pH and organic contents to be introduced evenly into reactors for treatment.

It is common to add coagulants or flocculants to improve separation.

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Biological secondary treatment

Through aerobic biological processes (with the presence of Oxygen), it is sought to substantially degrade the biological content of wastewater. It is possible to perform an anaerobic process that produces methane gas (natural gas) but requires longer times.

  • Activated sludge or activated sludge

The task is carried out by a mass of ‘active microorganisms’ capable of consuming organic waste, thanks to the presence of oxygen. This bacterial broth is called activated mud.

  • Biological membrane reactors

The incorporation of semi-permeable membranes ensures the removal of all suspended contaminants and dissolved solids. Its limitation is on the cost (investment and operation).

  • Secondary sedimentation

The final step is to remove biological floccules from the filter material, and produce treated water with low levels of organic matter and suspended matter.

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Tertiary treatment

There the effluent quality is increased to the required standard before it is discharged. It involves removing nitrogen or phosphorus from the treated effluent or other contaminants difficult to remove.

  • Filtration

The filtration with: sand, which retains much of the residues of suspended matter and activated charcoal retains the residual toxins.

  • Lagunaje

Lagoon treatment provides additional sedimentation and biological improvement by storage in puddles or artificial lagoons.

  • Disinfection

The purpose of disinfection in a wastewater treatment plant is to substantially reduce the number of living organisms. Common disinfection methods include ozone, chlorination, or UV light.


How do you know what type of PTAR applies to your particular case or need?

In general, all fixes are different, so keep in mind:

  • The quantity, quality and periodicity of the effluent.
  • Regulation of pouring or final arrangement and its projection.
  • Area available for construction and area of disposal, management or use.
  • Weather conditions (humidity, temperature, ventilation, etc.).
  • Possibility of reuse.
  • The possibility of energy recovery, i.e. methane production.
  • Finally, the most efficient and economical technological offer according to this context.

> Learn how a PPP – Public Private Partnership is the best way to structure a wastewater treatment plant.

Digital technology today is critical to achieving high rates of productivity and efficiency in wastewater treatment.

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