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Every production process has an impact on the environment. Among others are: energy consumption, waste disposal, air and water pollution. Others include: energy consumption, waste disposal, air and water pollution.

Economic development cannot be accompanied by the deterioration of the environment.

Companies must ensure that they leave the planet better than they found it.

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New Production Cycles: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

The traditional linear production model”: “take, use and throw””, is running low because it generates major problems related to the sustainability of the planet. Changed to “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle”. Changed to “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle”.
Over the next 20-30 years, the planet will have to feed 9 billion inhabitants, implying that the use of water, energy, soil, air and other resources will need to be optimized. Around the world, more and more companies are taking the lead in building and making the planet sustainable. Peri-urban agriculture; productive poly soils; recyclable water; reinstatement of waste to new production cycles; different feeding for animals. Around the world, more and more companies are taking the lead in building and making the planet sustainable. Peri-urban agriculture; productive poly soils; recyclable water; reinstatement of waste to new production cycles; different feeding for animals.


Circular Economy -EC

The circular economy – EC – understood as product lifecycle management, from design, production, re-processing, distribution, consumption, reuse, repair, collection and recycling, is a new model of economic management that breaks with the traditional approach and contributes greatly to the sustainability of the planet.
The spirit of EC involves the management of the 9R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Redesign, Re-Manufacture, Reject, Restore and Repair.
As understood, EC’s approach is entirely convergent on lean Management’s principles and practices and has been a complement that reinforces and deepens the scope and impact of Lean best practices.
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The types of problems addressed in this line of intervention for the environment are:

1. Misuse of resources: waste by overproduction, on processes and reprocesses.
2. The high impact of pollution.
3. Losses in storage, waiting, movement and transport of resources.
4. Insufficient management of waste and opportunities related to the transformation of waste into resources.
5. Problems related to production, failures in the design of products or production thereof.
6. Problems related to consumption, corresponding to the prevailing culture model.
7. EC projects are perceived as little or never tested, therefore it is risky to invest. Decision makers don’t know the costs and benefits or don’t have the information they need to invest with confidence. Decision makers do not know the costs and benefits or do not have the information to invest with confidence.
8. Companies perceive that the potential savings are small in the cost base.
9. The lack of accurate assessment of savings reduces the investment incentive.
10. Fear of interrupting production and reducing product quality.

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Actions against climate change and environmental care

It’s a reality, the planet is warming up affecting the environment around us and sustaining us. Therefore, nations and world leaders have focused on taking action so that the planet does not increase its temperature by 1.5 degrees. Among the actions that can be performed are: For this reason, nations and world leaders have focused on taking action so that the planet does not increase its temperature by 1.5°.

Actions that can be performed include:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Capture of industrial C02,
  • In CO2 capture, agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU)
  • Reduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD)
  • Avoided deforestation and unplanned degradation” (AUDD).
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Environmental pollution

With the evolution of civilization and industrialization, environmental impact and pollution began.

La contaminación ambiental es la presencia de sustancias químicos, agentes físicos o biológicos en un ambiente natural que altera su equilibrio por ende puede afectar la supervivencia de las especias que lo habitan.

La contaminación comenzó a crecer exponencialmente luego de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII a partir de la Revolución Industrial y el uso de combustibles fósiles.

La contaminación del medio ambiente puede tener diversos orígenes:

  • Destruction of forests. It is produced by the indiscriminate felling of trees in most cases occurs by the expansion of urban areas, the expansion of productive areas for livestock and agriculture.
  • Water contamination. It is mainly produced by the untreated disposal of industrial and household solid and liquid wastes.
  • Exploitation of natural resources. Mining activities, such as oil extraction and gold mining, generate serious waste and put ecosystems at risk.
  • Air pollution. Industry and transport release large amounts of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, while depositing particles in the air that affect the health of living beings and air qualityin general.
  • Loss of biodiversity. As a product of previous contaminations many living things are not able to adapt to new environments and die.
  • Soil contamination. The use of non-biodegradable substances, pesticides, plastic and nuclear waste affects soil quality.

How to take care of the environment?

To avoid the destruction of the environment and the survival of the living beings we inhabit, it is necessary to take the necessary actions. First, careful use of natural resources should be made,not consumed indiscriminately, create mechanisms of replenishment and stabilization. In the first place, natural resources must be used carefully, not consumed indiscriminately, and mechanisms for replenishment and stabilization must be created.

>> you may be interested in creating sustainable development actions

In order to carry out the task of protecting the environment, it is important that all actors in society become aware and involved. It is necessary to demand that States and governments promote environmental care and control the actions of industries, companies and the scientific community. and financial systems encourage the development of actions to maintain the environment.

We all also have a responsibility at home, to moderate consumption and production, and also to change habits and routines towards more sustainable ones, such as:

  • Consciously use water.
  • Do not throw waste on public roads.
  • Reduce the use of plastic containers.
  • Create and maintain urban green spaces.
  • Renewable energy consumption
  • Use public transport or bicycle instead of cars or buses.
  • Learn about companies looking to reduce and consume the environmental impact on the production of their goods and services.
  • Use power consciously: turn off the lights, avoid keeping appliances plugged in when not in use.
  • Separate household waste.
  • Reuse plastic and glass containers.
  • Encourage these actions between friends and family.
  • ensuring that our sewage passes through a wastewater treatment plant.


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