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foreign investment

$5 billion foreign investment in oil and gas

Proyectos de exploración y producción de gas y petroleo atraen inversión extranjera para 2020 La ministra de Minas y Energía, María Fernanda Suárez, comentó que durante el 2020 se espera que lleguen al país US$5.000 millones de inversión extranjera para petróleo y gas. De estos US$5.000 millones, US$4.000 millones se utilizarían en producción, lo que

$5 billion foreign investment in oil and gas Read More »

Plastic companies will have 30% reuse

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reutilización una obligación – Resolución 1407 2018 En cumplimiento a la resolución 1407 de 2018, que establece la responsabilidad extendida del productor para Empaques y Envases. Hoy 150 empresas de diferentes sectores están trabajando en un piloto. El objetivo estratégico  es para que a 2030 tengan una reutilización del 30% de los productos que

Plastic companies will have 30% reuse Read More »

Refortnation, a business

Colombia will plant 180 million trees

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The tree planting target is 180 Million by 2022 At the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, the President of Colombia, Iván Duque,indicated that the goal is “the planting of trees for 180 million, has been proposed in his Government” and that “24.7 million million has already been planted and another

Colombia will plant 180 million trees Read More »

climate change

Window closes to address Climate Change in 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Deadline for action on climate change is over Bonn / Madrid, 29 November 2019 : As the global climate change emergency intensifies and greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. Governments will therefore gather in Madrid for the UN Climate Change Conference COP25 (December 2-13, 2019) to take the next crucial steps in the UN

Window closes to address Climate Change in 2019 Read More »

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